Your placenta is an incredible creation. Make the Most of it.

Generations of mothers profess the benefits of consuming your placenta. From boosting iron levels after the blood loss of birth, to helping regulate postpartum hormone fluctuations, find out more about the benefits of consuming your placenta below.

Encapsulation Services


Placenta encapsulation involves steaming and dehydrating the placenta, turning it into a powder form, & encapsulating the powder for you take postpartum. While this practice has been found to be safe for all mother when it is done correctly, it is especially beneficial for moms with a personal or family history of depression.

Turnaround time of 48 hours, unless the placenta has been frozen.

Placenta print & cord keepsake included.


A placenta tincture is made by placing a piece of dehydrated placenta inside of a bottle filled with high-proof alcohol for 6 weeks.

While placenta pills last for about 5-6 weeks, your placenta tincture can be refilled & used indefinitely, as long as the placenta isn’t exposed to air, for continued hormonal support.

Think of your tincture as added support for later! Many women take their tincture to support PMS, if baby-blues start encroaching further down the line, or save it for the transition of menopause.

Discount offered for placenta encapsulations when added to a birth support package.

“Giving birth is a transformation and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve had eight babies before. It’s still a transformation the next time you have another baby, because you are no longer the same woman you were before you had that baby.”

Penny Handford