I’m Rose Worley. A Catholic-Christian, wife, mother, & birth doula.
God has given me a gift for nurturing & a calling to serve mothers by putting the power to birth back in there hands.
Feel free to read more below about my journey into the world of serving mothers as a doula.
The birth-bug bit me when I was 13.
In 2008, I was 13-years-old & my mother gave birth at home. I was able to serve briefly as her “doula.” This was the first time I had seen birth as something other than the violent, painful, scream-fest TV portrays.
As I entered womanhood, I knew that I wanted to take the skills God had given me for nurturing others & apply them towards my heart for women embracing their beauty & goodness. I thought briefly of becoming a nurse-midwife, but didn’t want to be confined by the modern medical system.
It wasn’t until I was pregnant & starting my own preparation for birth that I heard the word “doula” for the first time. I Googled, “What is a Doula?”
immediately, I thought, “This is it! I need one & I want to be one!”
I continued to learn by reading about physiological pregnancy & birth, watching raw footage of birth, & listening to women’s stories about bringing their children into this world; falling more in love with the world of natural birth all the time.
While I planned to have a natural birth in the hospital, but didn’t realize how difficult that was going to be at my hospital. Ultimately, they were able to scare me into an induction which led to a cesarean section.
I wouldn’t wish that birth on anyone, but it is the reason I am so passionate about helping mother’s achieve the birth they desire. People will tell you, “All that matters is a healthy baby.” I don’t believe that. Your experience matters. Your baby’s first moments in the world matter. You are both image bearers of God & that image should be honored.

My Birth Beliefs
Women were made to give birth. We have been gifted with brains to learn how we want to bring our babies into this world & the intuition to know what is right for our families. These gifts are often suppressed, subverted, & stripped away by our medical system leading women to feel they are failing in some way.
Birth is a natural, not a medical, event. A mother who is educated & prepared physical, mentally, & emotionally for the challenges of labor need not fear birth.
Birth will transform you. Whether that birth be out-of-hospital, with an epidural, or is a c-section. The main influence on if you walk away from that transformation feeling empowered & successful is whether or not you felt you were making the decisions in your birthing room. The power to birth is in your hands.
The people around a mother will have a direct impact on her birth. The friends she has, stories she hears, caregivers who are at the birth, all have the potential to influence her birth. Choosing who will be trusted & turned to for help is an decision each mother should make before she is in labor.
It is an honor to be able to step into the sacred space of birth with mothers, supporting them to make the decisions that will lead to the unique birth God has planned for them. Those a mother chooses to surround herself with should take that for the privilege that it is.
Childbirth is an experience in a woman’s life that holds the power to transform her forever. Passing through these powerful gates- in her own way- remembering all the generations of women who walk with her…She is never alone.”